Dietetics &

The Sports Medicine Institute dietetic and nutrition practice offers a full range of services for infants, children and adolescents and sports nutrition for adults

Ashleigh Mitchell

Accredited Practicing Dietitian & Nutritionist (BSc, BND, Hons 1)

Specialist Paediatric Dietitian for infants, children & adolescents

Sports nutrition for all ages

Ashleigh is passionate about cutting through the nutrition noise – from the internet and social media to well meaning friends and relatives – feeding children is confusing!

Ashleigh provides scientifically proven nutrition strategies that are simple and practical for families. Whether you want to stop the mealtime battles, gain confidence feeding or have a medical need for a specialised diet Ashleigh will support you as –

Your child’s nutrition specialist

Fussy Eating & Confidence Feeding


Stressful mealtimes with a fussy eater?

Confused about introducing solids to your baby?

Nutrition or growth concerns?

As parents we understand that feeding kids can be really hard!

We are here to take the stress out of mealtimes.

We work with you to feel confident with all things paediatric nutrition:

  • infants, children & teenagers
  • starting & progressing solids
  • stopping mealtime battles
  • assessing nutritional intake & providing reassurance

Specialised Diets


We assist with…

  • Picky/selective eating

  • Paediatric feeding disorders and expanding very limited food range

  • Nutrient deficiency eg. iron deficiency

  • Children with disability

  • Supporting autistic children

  • ADHD, managing appetite and growth

  • Enteral feeding including formula & blenderised feeds

  • Allergies eg. milk, soy, nut or egg

  • Coeliac disease

  • Underweight/ growth faltering, improving weight gain

  • Overweight & obesity, insulin resistance- we believe in nurturing a positive relationship with food while empowering sustainable family habits

  • Sports nutrition

  • Vegetarian & vegan diets

Sports Dietetics – Adults & Children


Sports dietetics includes assessment of training and competition diets, pre-event meals, fluid replacement, dietary supplements, fat loss and lean mass gain. Detailed physique and anthropometric assessments are also included in the consultation. All patients are assessed and provided with detailed and individualised meal plans designed for their personal and special needs.