Sports Physiotherapy
Sutherland Shire

SMI is an all-encompassing facility dedicated to helping you be at your best

From prevention and treatment of all injuries, to the optimisation of your physical performance, mobility, mindset, diet and function, SMI has been designed to cater for your individual needs.

At Sports Medicine Institute we are committed to providing support and advice to patients and clients of General Practitioners, physiotherapists, allied health professionals, coaches, trainers, and generally all providers of the health and fitness industry with utmost ethical care. The centre comprehensively looks after sport and exercise related injuries and medical problems, in addition to workers’ compensation, third party, and general injuries to fast track your rehabilitation as quickly, efficiently and safely as possible.

Sports Medicine Institute Specialist Therapists

The Sports Medicine Institute brings together some of the best practitioners, in their field with one common goal, to utilise their expertise and experience to support people with their sport activities and fast track their rehabilitation with injuries as quickly, efficiently and safely as possible. Our practitioners remain at the cutting edge of their field by regularly attending and presenting at conference, as well contribution to research and education.

Sports Physiotherapy near Sutherland Shire

Physiotherapists help with conditions that affect muscles, bones, joints and nerves.

The physiotherapists at the Sports Medicine Institute use a hands-on, one-on-one approach when assessing and treating patients to ensure we treat the cause of the problem in a timely manner. They are committed to providing the latest, evidence based techniques and work closely with the team of doctors and other practitioners within Specialist Sports Medicine Centre to achieve the best possible outcome.

Physiotherapy is a treatment option that improves the condition of the affected muscle, nerves, tendons and joints. At the Sports Medicine Institute our physiotherapists assess and treat patients with a “hands-on” approach. They are committed to delivering the highest standard of evidence based therapy, whilst working closely alongside a team of expertise specialists and allied health practitioners.

We use a wide variety of techniques to ensure that the body performs optimally. They improve the healing process, reduce pain and stiffness, and prevent the recurrence of future pain and disorders through rehabilitation. This can include: exercises, strengthening, core stability and restoring motor control patterns.

Do you need physiotherapy?

  • Sports injuries
  • Painful conditions, e.g. arthritis
  • Back and neck pain, including sciatica
  • Headaches
  • Pain from overuse, such as tennis elbow and shoulder impingement
  • Work related injuries and rehabilitation
  • Injuries in children
  • Motor control, including core stability

Treatment may include

  • Biomechanical Analysis
  • Soft tissue massage and release
  • Joint mobilization and manipulation
  • Manual therapy
  • Dry needling and acupuncture
  • Muscle energy techniques
  • Taping and bracing
  • Heat
  • Stretching, strengthening and stabilizing exercises
  • Education about our condition and how to best manage symptoms
  • Motor control assessment via real time ultrasound or EMG biofeedback