Genisys Gymnasium Classes Timetable
Genisys Gymnasium Class Genisys Gymnasium Class Timetable as at 05.09.19 For Gold and Platinum Members Genisys gymnasium current class timetable as at 5
Genisys Gymnasium Class Genisys Gymnasium Class Timetable as at 05.09.19 For Gold and Platinum Members Genisys gymnasium current class timetable as at 5
Genisys Gymnasium together with practitioners from the Sports Medicine Institute have combined efforts to offer unique membership packages that incorporate a gym membership with medical services to the general public.
Severs Disease(Calcaneal Apophysitis) With kids returning to school and sports in the coming weeks, it means a change in lifestyle, activity and footwear. It is this time of the year that we see a lot of foot, ankle and heel pain in children. One of the common sources of foot pain is a condition known…
TENNIS ELBOW (Lateral Epicondylitis) With many of us currently glued to our television screens watching the Australian Open, we thought it a good time to highlight the condition commonly known as “Tennis Elbow”. Lateral Epicondylitis or as it is more commonly known ?Tennis Elbow? is often the result of repetitive, overuse and twisting of the…